About Us
Welcome. We appreciate your visit to The Center for Cooperative
Phenomena. The Center is partly motivated by the realization that the
reductionist program in science may be reaching the stage of
diminishing returns. The greatest strength of reductionism is in
dealing with linear systems, but much of nature is not linear,
including most of what is really interesting in the world. Specifically
the Center will support research and education over the broad range
of nonlinear phenomena.
The Center will strive to serve in the public interest by inviting
guest speakers who think deeply about the foundations of their subject
rather than those who do low-risk incremental type of research.
The Center for Cooperative Phenomena is partly supported by the
Metanexus Institute in Philadelphia. more...

M.C. Escher Sky and Water I
Important links
Founded in 1998, the Metanexus Institute is a global interdisciplinary
think tank involving over 240 active groups in more than 40 countries.
It promotes the constructive engagement of science and religion in the
communal pursuit of wisdom in order to address humanity's most profound
questions and challenges, and organizes conferences and initiatives
Santa Fe Institute
of Michigan) Center for the Study of Complex Systems
(Univ. of New
Complex Systems Research Center
(Claremont Grad.
Center for Process Studies
Speaker Series
Crises in Cosmology:
Contesting the Standard Model
by Dr. Frank Potter
UC Irvine
4 PM on Thursday, April 16, 2009
Nahm Auditorium in W.C. Morris
Available in PDF format
Elucidating Euler
by Dr. Douglas Kindschi
Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, MI
October 23, 2008
Science, Mathematics, and Religion: Views of Reality
by Dr. Douglas Kindschi
Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, MI
October 23, 2008
So Super
about Superstrings?
by Dr. Mark Jackson,
October 6, 2006
Synergy and the Fate of Humankind
by Dr. Frank Potter,
UC Irvine
September 21, 2006
Available in PDF format
The Sacred and Mundane Apprehension of Nature
by Dr. Gregory Derry,
Loyola College, Baltimore
October 18, 2007
What Green-Algal Sexuality Can Tell Us About the Origins of Sexuality
by Dr. Ursula Goodenough
Washington University, St. Louis
November 1, 2007
The History of Nature: Why Don't We Teach It In Our Schools?
by Dr. Ursula Goodenough
Washington University, St. Louis
November 1, 2007
Systems Metaphysics: A Bridge from Science to Religion
by Dr. Martin Zwick
Portland State University
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Changing Views of Synchronicity
by Dr. Christopher Jargodzki
University of Central Missouri
March 25, 2010
Available in PDF format
Mark Jackson Interview
Frank Potter Interview